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Unique Digital Ideas for Successful Business



    Our expertise, as well as our passion for web design, sets us apart from other agencies.

    miRi’s eCommerce Transformation with Shopify Galaxy
    miRi, a leading online home furnishings store in the Netherlands, partnered with Shopify Galaxy, an expert in web and eCommerce design and development, to revamp its digital presence and transition from a third-party platform to a dedicated Shopify store. The collaboration aimed at a comprehensive rebranding, rebuilding, and optimization of miRi’s online storefront.
    Challenge 1: Building from Scratch with a Minimalist Design

    Previously exclusive to “,” miRi lacked a dedicated website. The challenge was to create an eCommerce store from the ground up, incorporating a minimalist design that aligned with miRi’s aesthetics and provided a seamless shopping experience.

    Solution 1: Crafting a Minimalist Website

    Shopify Galaxy designed and developed miRi’s Shopify store with a clean, minimalist layout. The user-centric design ensured easy navigation, highlighting the cozy home furnishings. The shift marked a significant step in establishing MiRi’s independent online presence.

    Challenge 2: Enhancing Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

    To maximize the impact, miRi faced the challenge of optimizing the conversion rate, converting visitors into customers by fine-tuning the user experience and strategically placing calls to action.

    Solution 2: Implementing CRO Strategies

    Shopify Galaxy conducted a comprehensive CRO analysis, rebranding the navigation bar, applying mobile-first design, and rigorously testing all functionalities across devices. This resulted in a seamless user experience and increased conversion rates.

    Judge Me App for Reviews:


    Challenge: miRi possessed reviews on “” that needed integration into the new Shopify store.

    Solution: Shopify Galaxy seamlessly integrated the Judge Me app, showcasing existing reviews and building trust.

    Assortion App for Upselling:


    Challenge: miRi aimed to enhance upselling opportunities.

    Solution: Shopify Galaxy integrated the Assortion app, enabling miRi to upsell with related products and enticing bundles.

    Search & Discovery App:


    Challenge: Streamlining product discovery and filtering options.

    Solution: Shopify Galaxy integrated the Search & Discovery app, improving the search experience with advanced filtering.

    Klarna App for Buy Now Pay Later:


    Challenge: miRi wanted flexible payment options.

    Solution: Shopify Galaxy integrated the Klarna app, providing a “Buy Now Pay Later” option.

    Klaviyo App for Email Marketing:


    Challenge: Strengthening customer engagement through email marketing.

    Solution: Shopify Galaxy integrated the Klaviyo app, enabling personalized and targeted email campaigns.

    Triplewhale App for Ads Management:


    Challenge: Efficiently managing and optimizing online ads.

    Solution: Shopify Galaxy integrated the Triplewhale app for effective ads management, ensuring targeted visibility.

    Klaviyo App for Email Marketing:


    Challenge: Strengthening customer engagement through email marketing.

    Solution: Shopify Galaxy integrated the Klaviyo app, enabling personalized and targeted email campaigns.

    Webwinkelkeur App for Reviews:


    Challenge: Gathering and showcasing customer reviews on the website.

    Solution: Shopify Galaxy integrated the Webwinkelkeur app, facilitating the collection and display of customer reviews.

    UI & UX:

    Shopify Galaxy’s transformation of miRi’s Shopify store extended far beyond technical integrations, delving into the pivotal realm of User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) design. The focus was on crafting a digital space that not only elegantly showcased miRi’s home furnishings but also provided visitors with an intuitive and enjoyable journey. Meticulously designed new landing pages leveraged dynamic content and meta fields, ensuring each website section felt tailored to the user’s preferences.


    A breakthrough moment came with the introduction of add-on options, empowering customers to curate and build personalized packages. This not only allowed users to tailor their shopping experience but also added a layer of customization resonating with miRi’s commitment to providing unique and cozy home furnishings. The UI enhancements embraced a minimalist aesthetic, ensuring the design harmonized with miRi’s brand identity while prioritizing clarity and simplicity, resulting in an interface that was both visually appealing and easy to navigate.


    The mobile-first design approach, followed by desktop optimization, underscored a commitment to a seamless user experience across all devices. By optimizing the website for mobile users, Shopify Galaxy ensured miRi’s products were elegantly showcased on smaller screens, aligning with the evolving preferences of a mobile-centric audience. These UI & UX improvements went beyond aesthetics, playing a pivotal role in fostering positive and memorable interactions between customers and miRi’s brand. The refined design not only contributed to a visually appealing storefront but also simplified the navigation process, enabling customers to effortlessly browse products and make informed purchase decisions.

    Impact on Customer Interaction:

    The refined UI & UX of miRi’s Shopify store transcended aesthetic enhancements, fundamentally transforming the way customers interacted with the brand. Immersive new landing pages guided visitors through carefully curated sections, showcasing miRi’s diverse range of home furnishings. The dynamic feature of add-on options turned the shopping process into a personalized journey, allowing customers to create bundles aligned with their unique preferences.


    The minimalist design not only contributed to a visually appealing storefront but also simplified the navigation process, enabling customers to effortlessly browse products and make informed purchase decisions. The mobile-first approach ensured miRi’s offerings were accessible to users on various devices, aligning with the modern trend of mobile-centric browsing. In essence, the UI & UX enhancements by Shopify Galaxy played a pivotal role in fostering positive and memorable interactions, contributing to increased satisfaction and brand loyalty for miRi.


    The collaborative efforts resulted in miRi’s strong independent online presence, increased customer satisfaction, higher conversion rates, and improved functionality through app integrations. The seamless transition to Shopify positioned miRi for sustained success, showcasing the transformative impact of strategic eCommerce development and optimization. The partnership exemplifies a seamless fusion of technology and design, creating an engaging platform for home furnishings enthusiasts.

    Shopifygalaxy-Shopify & Ecommerce Web Design Agency

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